Ion began his career in the automotive industry in 2007. Quickly moving to a leadership role responsible for marketing and e-commerce operations and assuming responsibility of dealer application process development and utilization. He developed a diverse skill set working with import, domestic and high line dealers in rural to hyper competitive markets developing process efficiencies that yield real world results.
In 2012, Ion moved to a national position, responsible for the groups 86 dealerships and 22 body shops Digital Marketing, leading a small three person team Web Management, and spearheaded the groups fist in-house social media team, handling all social content and reputation management for the group. He later assumed responsibility of the regional team mentioned above, and the CRM ownership for the group in addition to all digital marketing. Support staff and marketing expenditure was conservative, which led Ion to lean heavily on developing process efficiencies that yield real world results, spanning across all dealership applications.
In 2015, Ion helped spearhead a team of 26 marketers specializing in SEO, SEM, Web Development, Graphic Design, social media, and all paid media items within that spectrum for the all the groups dealers and collision centers. In 2017 Ion conceptualized and launched the group’s first centralized call center, a team of 130 in Atlanta that bridged that gap between marketing and operations made possible with a focus on highly efficient workflows and application interconnectivity.

Advisory Board

Eric Foss
Aramark & Pepsico (Ret.)

Dave Zuchowski
Hyundai Motor America

Brian Colan
Lockheed Martin

Dan Smytka
Former President/COO, Goodyear - Europe, Middle East & Africa